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  • The untapped potential of district energy systems

    A transition to modern district energy systems could contribute to 60% of required energy sector emissions reduction by 2050, and reduce primary energy consumption by up to 50%, according to a new report.

    • Publication date : 2015/09/08
  • Estimate of energy saved by heat pumps

    All heat pumps installed in Europe in 2014 have saved 10.42 TWh of final and 4.7 TWh of primary energy.

    • Publication date : 2016/02/05
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Briefs: Optimized freight hub

    A new temperature-controlled freight hub in Christchurch International Airport, New Zealand, was opened by Hellmann Worldwide Logistics on March 12, 2009. "The facility has been predicated on environmental, efficiency and energy-conscious criteria...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • New solar-cooling technology for cooling-freezing

    Refrigeration is often based on compressor technology which consumes electricity. A recently developed system making it possible to achieve relatively low temperatures solely using solar energy has been designed by PROMES, a laboratory working...

    • Publication date : 2007/05/04
  • US

    The US food industry's preparation to R-22 phase-out was one of the issues addressed at the 27th annual Food Marketing Institute Energy Conference in Phoenix, US, in September 2006. At least 70% of US commercial refrigerating systems still use...

    • Publication date : 2007/02/12
  • Refrigerating food uses the most energy

    According to surveys conducted in Germany in 1999, by the Hanover-based FKW and the Dresden-based ILK, production, transport storage and distribution of food products required approximately 155 000 GWh annually in Germany. Refrigeration accounts...

    • Publication date : 2007/12/03
  • Natural refrigerants in emerging countries: South Africa

    South Africa is facing an energy shortage and a rise in electricity prices. Natural refrigerants, which have important energy saving potential, are now being introduced, especially in supermarkets. Here are 2 examples: . GTZ has offered technical...

    • Publication date : 2010/03/07
  • Sorption chillers

    Sorption chiller technology is rapidly developing, especially that using solar energy. - As highlighted by Jacob and Kohlenbach* during the latest IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids in Sydney, in Europe, numerous new...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/07
  • Overview of data center cooling technologies

    The very huge growth in Internet traffic requires the continued development of new energy-efficient data center cooling technologies, based primarily on liquid...

    • Publication date : 2022/12/15
    • Subjects: Technology
  • Netherlands: refrigeration accounts for 18% of total electricity consumption in the industrial sector

    A study (1) by KWA Business Consultants on the annual energy consumption of refrigeration plants in various industrial and non-industrial sectors in The Netherlands was presented during ICR2011.

    • Publication date : 2011/12/21
  • Heat pump benefits

    Energy saved and CO2 emissions avoided in 2015 by using heat pumps (EHPA European heat pump market and statistics report 2016)

    • Publication date : 2016/12/07
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Chilled beam for health care rooms

    The benefits of implementing active chilled beams include downsized ductwork/equipment, energy reductions of up to 50% in some cases, decreased maintenance, optimal comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ)

    • Publication date : 2014/03/26
  • European heat pump market

    The number of heat pump units sold in the European heat pump market increased by 3% in 2013. A total of 769 879 units were sold in the 21 European countries covered by this year’s EHPA report.

    • Publication date : 2014/10/23
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Space cooling at the heart of energy efficiency policies

    The latest “IEA Energy Efficiency 2018” report stresses that cooling is the fastest growing energy end-use in buildings and calls for further improvements in efficiency gains, especially through raising of minimum energy performance standards.

    • Publication date : 2018/11/22
    • Subjects: General information, Figures, economy
  • European heat pump market and statistics report 2016

    Heat pump sales in Europe have reached in 2015 the highest number ever recorded: 890 302 units.Year-over-year 12% more heat pumps were sold in the 21 European countries covered by this year’s EHPA (European Heat Pump Association) report.

    • Publication date : 2016/11/26
    • Subjects: Figures, economy